Day of the Pigeons

Pigeons is the organ­i­sa­tion behind the Pigeon Let­ters pro­gram I’ve been lucky enough to be involved with this year. I blogged about the pro­gram ear­lier this year, but in short it involves an author (some of which this year include Tony Wil­son, Sally Rip­pin, Kirsty Mur­ray and myself) writ­ing let­ters back and forth with a pri­mary school stu­dent, to col­lab­o­ra­tively write a short story.

I’ve been busy writ­ing let­ters back and forth with my writ­ing part­ner Toni, a grade five stu­dent from Footscray City Pri­mary School, and we’re almost done. I’ll blog about the final prod­uct and the com­ing Pigeons book of all the author-student sto­ries soon, but in the mean­time the Pigeons peo­ple are hav­ing a fundraiser and I wanted to give it a plug.

It’s at Bella Union bar at Trades Hall in Mel­bourne, Thurs­day 11 Novem­ber at 6pm. Tick­ets are $14 and all pro­ceeds go straight back into Pigeons. Michaela McGuire is MCing the evening, there’ll be live music from Twenty Seven Win­ters and Floyd Thursby, Jess McGuire will be DJing and Tony Wil­son, Michael Williams, Jackie Kerin and myself will also be appear­ing. I’m told that among the enter­tain­ment will be a kids’ lit­er­a­ture quiz — children’s authors Vs the world. I’m already scared.

Here’s the poster, would be grouse to see you there. Yes, grouse. You can buy tick­ets on the door or online right now.

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