Blogging at Inside A Dog throughout April

Hi all. Just a quick post to let you know that for the month of April I am the Res­i­dent Blog­ger over at

For those not in the know, Inside A Dog is a web­site for young peo­ple that is all about books and read­ing. It is run by the Cen­tre for Youth Lit­er­a­ture — out of the State Library of Vic­to­ria — which is the most promi­nent organ­i­sa­tion in Aus­tralia to focus soley on young adult books, read­ing and writ­ing with lots of cool pro­grams and YA events every year.

Inside A Dog fea­tures a new res­i­dent author blog­ging every month. Some of the more recent authors to have done the res­i­dency include Garth Nix, Lia Hills and Richard Har­land. And now me. I’ll be back on my ‘home blog’ in May, but for now fol­low me at Inside A Dog or sub­scribe to their RSS feed. Oh and I’ll be blog­ging a lot more than usual over there too. They made me sign a con­tract wherein I promised not to be a ‘lazy-good-for-nothing-blogger’.

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